From I giganti della montagna by Luigi Pirandello

PICCOLI-PIRANDELLO / da I giganti della montagna by Luigi Pirandello (PICCOLI-PIRANDELLO / from The Mountain Giants by Luigi Pirandello) was inspired by the workshop "A propos des Géants de la montagne" held by Klaus Michael Grüber in October 1988 with Michel Piccoli and the students of the Conservatoire National Supérior d'Art Dramatique in Paris.
It was the memory of this recent experience that made Michel Piccoli decide to return with I giganti della montagna to Sicily, Pirandello's homeland, when he receives the Europe Theatre Prize at Taormina.
The Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania, with its remarkable history, will provide a magnificent setting. It was here, in fact, that the idea was born to reinvent, in this unique venue and for this specific occasion, the wizard Cotrone's almost solitary journey rather than simply re-presenting "A propos des Géants de la Montagne" or creating a new production. Michel Piccoli's improvisation will build on this idea, this vision. It will be a flight of fancy, an act of friendship. A fleeting theatrical experience. Nothing more.
There will be only one performance of Piccoli-Pirandello on 6 April at the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania, when Taormina pays tribute to Michel Piccoli.


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