Grotowski and his Laboratory in Wroclaw are one of the magic legends of contemporary theatre. His revolutionary concepts and unique rehearsal process have become for many a point of departure in the search for new theatre realities. His influence on acting is regarded as a watershed.However, is it still possessed of real momentum or is it now only a beautiful myth? What is the difference between Grotowski’s ideas of acting and those of his predecessors –and his disciples? Is it really possible to continue following his path or is it now only a mirage? Can we talk about a Grotowski “tradition” and, if so, to what extent is it alive? What is the place of the “guru” idea in theatre - has it caused substantial changes in the art form or is it simply nurturing our need for myths?The Grotowski Institute and the IATC invite theatre-makers and critics to muse on all that and share their thoughts at a symposium in the framework of the Europe Theatre Prize 2009 in Wroclaw, March 31-April 5. Our seminar takes place 10 years after Jerzy Grotowski’s death, 50 years since Ludwik Flaszen and Jerzy Grotowski took over the Theatre of the 13 Rows in Opole (later the Laboratory Theatre) and 25 years after the dissolution of the Laboratory Theatre.