XIII Europe Theatre Prize and XI Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities
The events of the XIII edition of Europe Theatre Prize and the XI edition of Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities will take place in Wrocław from 31st March to 5th April 2009, on the occasion of the celebrations in Wrocław of the year 2009 declared by UNESCO “Grotowski Year”, under the auspices and with the support of the Polish Ministry of Culture, the City and the Mayor of Wrocław.
The organization of the event in Poland will be realized by the Grotowski Institute.
After two editions in Thessaloniki (XI and XII edition, 2007/2008), the Europe Theatre Prize, created in 1986 as a pilot programme in the field of theatre by the European Commission and recognised by the European Parliament and Council as a "European cultural interest organisation", moves to the heart of Europe, in Poland, and once again it will be an important meeting point for European theatre.
Six days of shows, previews, work in progress, meeting and symposia will be dedicated to the winners.
The Union of European Theatres is an associate and supporting body of Europe Theatre Prize, while the International Association of Theatre Critics, the Instituto Internacional del Teatro del Mediterraneo, the International Theatre Institute UNESCO and the European Festivals Association are associate bodies.
“The Jury of the XIII edition of the Europe Theatre Prize and the XI edition of the Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities, meeting in Rome on 6 July 2008, awarded the XIII Europe Theatre Prize of €60,000 to Krystian Lupa, a master of contemporary European theatre.
In deciding the award of the XI edition of the Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities, the nominations put forward by the Council (made up of almost 300 experts on European theatre) and the members of the Jury in an exercise preceding the meeting were examined by the Jury. Having noted that the names of a number of candidates have occurred frequently, with a significant number of votes, from previous editions of the Prize in the time span 1996-2001, all of them of an extremely high level of quality across different artistic characteristics, the Jury decided to award the XI edition of the Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities to the five candidates, among the already established and confirmed directors and theatre entities on the international theatre scene, who gained the most votes among the nominees for this edition: Guy Cassiers (Belgium) ; Pippo Delbono (Italy) ; Rodrigo Garcia (Spain/Argentine) ; Arpad Schilling (Hungary) ; François Tanguy and the Théâtre du Radeau (France).
This choice has been made in accordance with Article 3 of the Prize Regulations: “[…] from the IInd edition, the Jury of the EPNTR has noted that the prize is intended to produce an opportunity for meeting and confrontation between the different modes of expression of new European theatre. […]” At the same time it is hoped in subsequent editions to open a new phase of the EPNTR to a generation of emerging artists and groups that may be as yet little known at the international level, while also giving space and visibility to nominees from smaller countries.
The Jury also notes that over the years the Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities has attracted attention on an international level by rewarding extraordinary talents, but it has also given a further possibility to its candidates, who while not receiving the award have become known and given encouragement on the European stage.
The Jury and the organisers of the Prize would also wish that the preliminary work of producing a more profound recognition of candidates for the award of the EPNTR may be continued in an increasingly attentive manner and that in all respects there should be a widespread diffusion of the candidates’ work through every means of promotion.”
As was recommended at the Jury meeting, the Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities has been increased from €20,000 to €30,000 with effect from the present XI edition. In the event of there being more than one winner, the sum is to be divided equally.
We would like to inform that a press conference took place on 21st November in Rome, at Villa Mirafiori, the seat of the Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia of La Sapienza University. During the press conference, the XIII edition of Europe Theatre Prize was presented to the Italian press. The press conference took place on the occasion of the meeting days entitled: “New challenges from British drama. Europe Theatre Prize and the Royal Court Theatre. Pinter-Ravenhill-Stenham”, in the frame of the Convention between Europe Theatre Prize and the Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia of Rome La Sapienza University.