Premio Europa per il Teatro Premio Europa per il Teatro Premio Europa per il Teatro Premio Europa per il Teatro
13. Ausgabe - Rückkehr

In the “Returns” section, the following performances
by former prizewinners will be presented in Wroclaw,
in June 2009, in the frame of the Grotowski Year

Peter Brook – II Europe Theatre Prize
Fragments, Theatre des Bouffes du Nord, France, Teatr Wspolczesny

Pina Bausch – VII Europe Theatre Prize
Nefes, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Germany, Opera House

Krystian Lupa – XIII Europe Theatre Prize
The Temptation Of Quiet Veronica, Poland, Film Studio, Big Hall

Anatoli Vassiliev - I Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities
Medea – film presentation, Russia, Teatr Lalek

Krzysztof Warlikowski – X Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities
Cleansed, Poland, Teatr Wspolczesny